The route is 9.81km (6.1 miles)
- Out the football club entrance, turn right, right at the roundabout, down St Leonards Ave, right on Lichfield Rd, right into Riverway, muster at the traffic lights in front of Pennycroft flats.
- turn right into Weston Road, keep right onto Tixall Road, muster at Two Water Way footpath
- cross Tixall Road turn left into Wolseley Rd and then right into Birkdale Drive, follow this to Weston Rd, turn right and right at the roundabout, cross at the lights and turn right on Hydrant Way, cross at lights, turn right into Tixall Rd, muster at Two Water Way footpath
- across the new bridge, cross with EXTREME CARE Baswich Lane, continue up Baswich Lane, muster at Weeping Cross
- run down Radford Bank, continue down Lichfield Road, turn right into Riverway, through the pedestrian gate back to the club