Membership Form Stafford Harriers Privacy and Data Protection Policy Click Here to read our Policy Data Protection PolicyNextNextNextNextNext0% Complete1 of 6 Club constitution, club policies and EA's code of conduct By returning this completed form, I confirm that I have read and understood i) the Clubs Constitution ii) Health and safety, Inclusion, Grievance and Data Protection Policies iii) England Athletics code of conduct for athletes [and parents] iv) UKA Anti-Doping Rules Emergency Information and Medical Information are optional. They won't be shared with anyone apart from Stafford Harriers coaches. For more information please click on the links below Harriers Constitution England Athletics Code of Conduct UKA Anti-Doping Rules I have read and am willing to abide by Stafford Harrier's constitution, club policies and EA's code of conduct and UKA Anti-Doping Rules * NO YES It is not possible to join the Stafford Harriers unless you have read and agree with our constitution, club policies and EA's code of conduct and Anti-Doping Rules * If you are human, leave this field blank.